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Opening Ceremony
Opening ceremony of the III European Congress on Information Technology in Education and Society: A critical view at the Historical Building Auditorium, University of Barcelona on February 1st 2012.
Keynote — Dra. Juana M. Sancho
Keynote 'Technological affluence, educational precariousness: a look at the last 20 years' by Dra. Juana M. Sancho, Universitat de Barcelona.
Keynote — Dr. Neil Selwyn
Keynote 'Social media, social learning? Considering the limits of the 'social turn' in contemporary educational technology' by Dr. Neil Selwyn, University of London.
Keynote — Dra. Betty Collis
Keynote — 'Digital Learners: Will they surprise us?' a càrrec de la Dra. Betty Collis de la University of Twente.
Keynote — Dr. Punya Mishra
Keynote 'Creative Teaching with Technology: Introducing the TPACK Framework' by Dr. Punya Mishra, Michigan State University.
Round Table
Round Table 'Looking into the future' with: Dr. Mark Bullen, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Dr. Roni Aviram, The Center for Futurism in Education, Dr. Norbert Meder, University of Duisburg-Essen and Martha Stone Wiske, Harvard Graduate School of Economics.
Keynote — José Antonio Millán
Keynote — 'Prótesis digitales en la educación: ¿oportunidad o consumo?' a càrrec del Sr. José Antonio Millán.
Keynote — David Istance
Keynote 'Technology and Broader Models of Learning and Education' by David Istance, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD.